Zelda, taking a break from writing

Maureen writes romance 
​​​​​​​I suppose I knew I wanted to be a writer when I was in the third grade.  After devouring all the fairy tale books I could find, I went out under the apricot trees in our Bay Area backyard with a pencil and notebook and began writing a tale of my own.

Fast forward to high school and college. I still knew I wanted to be a writer, but I quailed at the prospect of trying to make a living writing fiction. So I studied journalism and got a job out of school as a small-town newspaper reporter.

As a reporter I covered everything from city council and school board meetings to trials and murders. It was a real eye-opener, but when I got married and started raising children I had a hard enough time closing my eyes at night without the adrenaline-inducing deadlines of newspaper work.

So I turned to free-lancing, writing book and restaurant reviews, magazine articles, copy editing, marketing materials, and anything else I could sell. But I kept writing fiction, winning awards along the way for my Regency romances.

Now, with my kids grown, I get to spend more time in my Regency world, spinning stories to my heart’s content. Of course, I get a little help from my writing partner, Zelda. And we're delighted to share our stories with you. (I am, anyway!)